Tribute – Sandra and Jules

Dear Andy, family and friends,

It is with the greatest sadness that we send you our condolences. The news of Ben’s death is heartbreaking.

We remember Ben as a beautiful wee boy and an attractive young man.

My fondest memories of him are at the ceilidhs held for Julian’s birthdays:- when he was about 6, Ben and I giggled and laughed as we bumped into one another trying to “dulcie-dos” (dos-a-dos).

And again, at 16 he was disinclined to conform to the traditional steps of ‘Strip-the-Willow’ and performed in his own indomitable style wearing a cheeky-yet-courteous-smile.

The stories you told of him as he grew suggests that he lived as he danced – in his own way with a spirit and grace so refreshing and rare. Such a sorrowful loss.

Our thoughts and sorrows will linger with you a-while.

All our love,

Sandra and Jules


[Indeed, Sandra and Jules, your thoughts will linger with us …more than a-while…: Thank you!! xxx]

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