Coorie Doon – lullabies

A book for Beau, with a promise that his sister will read it to him…
…and sing him the lullabies:

The Tiree Love Song:

Tiree Love Song

(Chorus) He-ree ho-ro my bonnie wee girl [lad]
He-ree ho-ro my fair one
Will you come away, my love
To be my own, my rare one?

Smiling the land, shining the sea
Sweet is the smell o′ the heather
Would we were younger, you and me
The two of us together

All the day long, out at the peat
Then on the shore in the gloamin’
Stepping it lightly with dancing feet
And then together roamin′

Laughter above, singin’ below
Tripping it lithesome and airy
Could we be asking of life for more
My own, my darling Mary?

Goodnight, Irene…

The Riddle Song (‘I gave my love a cherry’…):

Here are some other (sometimes, more authentic) versions:

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