Dear Andy, family and friends,
It is with the greatest sadness that we send you our condolences. The news of Ben’s death is heartbreaking.
We remember Ben as a beautiful wee boy and an attractive young man.
My fondest memories of him are at the ceilidhs held for Julian’s birthdays:- when he was about 6, Ben and I giggled and laughed as we bumped into one another trying to “dulcie-dos” (dos-a-dos).
And again, at 16 he was disinclined to conform to the traditional steps of ‘Strip-the-Willow’ and performed in his own indomitable style wearing a cheeky-yet-courteous-smile.
The stories you told of him as he grew suggests that he lived as he danced – in his own way with a spirit and grace so refreshing and rare. Such a sorrowful loss.
Our thoughts and sorrows will linger with you a-while.
All our love,
Sandra and Jules
[Indeed, Sandra and Jules, your thoughts will linger with us …more than a-while…: Thank you!! xxx]