Tributes to Ben, with reflections
(I will add to these over time…)
Here are the tributes that were given for Ben at his funeral:
Friends’ and Colleagues’ Tribute
Poems read out at Ben’s funeral:
Distance – a poem by Ben
To a Skylark – a poem read at Ben’s Sparkling in 1986
These tributes were also sent to us:
From Equal Experts, Ben’s last employer
From Sandra and Jules, who knew Ben from a nipper…
Ross left flowers – he was at the border with Mexico … and felt compelled to put some flowers down for Ben…
At the Bristol Diving School gathering on 4th December 2022 , Luke gave us Ben’s words, sent to Luke by Ben in 2018/19
These are some reflections:
An email conversation between Sonia (Claudio’s mother) and me (Ben’s father) as we approach the anniversary of the killing of ‘the three musketeers’…